HomeMarket OverviewTop Stock Performances for H1 2024

Top Stock Performances for H1 2024

Top Stock Performances for H1 2024

The first half of 2024 has been a wild ride for the stock market. While some sectors experienced corrections, others surged to new heights. We'll dive into the companies that truly shined, achieving the best performing share prices in the first six months of 2024.


Performance Overview: NVIDIA's share price surged 162.45% in the first half of 2024, making it one of the top performers in the market.

Key Drivers:

●     AI and Data Centre Growth: The increasing demand for AI technologies and data centres has significantly boosted sales of graphics processing units (GPUs).

●     Innovative Product Launches: New product lines and advancements in GPU technology have kept NVIDIA ahead of its competitors.

●     Strong Financial Performance: A robust earnings report with a 35% year-over-year increase in revenue, has reassured investors of NVIDIA's growth trajectory.

Average Price Target: Based on analysts’ ratings in the past three months, the average price target for NVIDIA sits around $140.04 to $140.70. Currently, the share price is trading in the region of $130, leaving room for an extra $10, according to estimates.


2. Palantir Technologies (PLTR)

Performance Overview: Palantir Technologies’ share price increased 68.26% during the first half of 2024, continuing its strong market presence.

Key Drivers:

●     Strong Government Contracts: Palantir's acquisition of high-profile government contracts has boosted the company’s revenue and strengthened its reputation in the data analytics and security segment.

●     Expansion in the Commercial Sector: Securing major deals with commercial  companies, diversifying its revenue streams, and a reduced dependence on government contracts played a massive factor.

●     Innovative Product Development: Ongoing innovation with new features in its platforms, Foundry and Gotham, have improved customer retention and attracted new clients, driving revenue growth.

Average Price Target: Looking at analyst ratings in the last three months, the average price target for Palantir Technologies is around $21.50 to $22.55.


3. Micron Technology (MU)

Performance Overview: Micron Technology’s share price rose 61.39% in the first six months of 2024, driven by AI growth.

Key Drivers:

●     AI Demand: The explosion of AI applications created huge demand for Micron's memory chips, leading to rising prices and increased revenue.

●     Production Ramp-Up: Micron began ramping up production of its latest generation high-bandwidth memory (HBM) during the first half, solidifying its position as a leader in this crucial technology.

●     Overall Market Conditions: While the broader market played a role, the surge in AI demand was the specific catalyst for Micron's exceptional performance.

Average Price Target: Based on analyst ratings in the past three months, the average price target for Micron Technology shares sits around $162.38 to $169.08. Analysts are highly optimistic about the company's future earnings.


The first half of 2024 painted a clear picture: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a powerhouse in the stock market. Companies like NVIDIA, Palantir Technologies and Micron Technology, all deeply involved in AI, saw impressive share price gains. This success comes off the back of the booming demand for AI solutions, the innovative products they developed and strong financial performances. While analyst price targets offer some future direction, in depth research is crucial before any investment decisions. The key takeaway here is that AI isn't a future dream anymore, it's actively shaping today's investment landscape. As AI continues to change the world, these leading companies and others at the helm of AI are likely to experience continued growth, making them attractive options for investors seeking to capitalise on this transformative technology.

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