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Managed Forex Accounts

What do Managed Forex Accounts Mean?

Managed Forex accounts refer to a type of foreign exchange trading account with a trader executing transactions on the authority of the client. These accounts are particularly attractive to private investors desiring exposure to the Forex market but lack expertise in selling currencies. Additionally, managed forex accounts are usually suitable for money managers seeking to incorporate a currency trading into their portfolios without specialising in foreign exchange trading.

Explaining Managed Forex Accounts

Managed Forex Accounts present an investment chance for individuals seeking prospective yields from leveraged foreign exchange trading and willing to take on significant risks. The process involves depositing the capital into the account, which is then managed by a professional trader who handles the selection and execution of trades in the highly leveraged Forex markets.

In contrast to classical securities such as bonds or stocks, where returns are derived from share growth, interest charges, or dividends, foreign exchange trades derive wealth from the fluctuation of currency foreign exchange rates. Investors engaging in forex trading either hedge risk in global markets or speculate on the potential for substantial price shifts and value disparities across different markets.

How do they Work?

Managed Forex Accounts operate by allowing investors to leverage the skills of experienced foreign exchange traders. Individual speculators often find forex trading to be challenging and prone to losses. By utilising the services of experienced managers, investors can bypass the steep learning curve and potential pitfalls associated with inexperienced trades. The expectation is that a skilled trader can deliver the desired returns on the investor’s behalf.

To establish a managed forex account, both the trader and the client investor must sign a Limited Power of Attorney (LPOA) agreement provided by the brokerage company. This agreement grants the trader the authority to trade on the investor's account. However, the manager and the investor cannot transfer funds directly to each other.

What are the Advantages of Managed Forex Accounts?

Managed Forex Accounts provide several advantages for investors. They provide exposure to a distinct asset type, allowing diversification beyond classical bonds and stocks. Also, by relying on the expertise of professional traders, investors can save time and effort associated with independent trading. Moreover, successful foreign exchange trading can yield exceptionally high returns, often surpassing those of equities markets.

What are the Disadvantages of Managed Forex Accounts?

While Managed Forex Accounts provide potential benefits, it is crucial to consider their disadvantages. One significant drawback is the expensive cost charged by forex account traders. This cost typically ranges between 20% and 30% of the profit from each trade, which can significantly impact an investor's overall returns. Additionally, currency trading is inherently of high risk, and investors must be prepared to accept potential losses alongside the prospect of substantial gains.

What are the Types of Managed Forex Accounts?

There are various types of managed forex accounts available to investors seeking exposure to the Forex market while entrusting the trade activities to skilled traders. These types include:

Individual Managed Forex Accounts: These accounts are designed for private investors desiring an experienced manager to trade on their behalf. Investors deposit the capital into the account, and the account manager executes trade operations based on a predetermined investment strategy. Individual managed forex accounts provide investors the chance to participate in currency trading without having to actively trade themselves.

Sub-Advised Managed Forex Accounts: Some traders specialising in other asset types, such as bonds or stocks, can provide sub-advised managed forex accounts. In this type of account, the trader allocates a portion of the overall portfolio to currency trading, leveraging the expertise of foreign exchange specialists. Sub-advised managed forex accounts provide diversification for traders and their clients desiring exposure to currencies without specialising in forex trading.

It's important to note that the availability and specific types of managed forex accounts can vary among different financial institutions and brokers. Investors should carefully evaluate the offerings and choose an account type that aligns with their investment objectives and risk tolerance.

What about Safety and Expenses Issues of Managed Forex Accounts?

Safety Issues:

Managed forex accounts involve certain safety considerations that investors should be aware of:

a. Market Risk: Managed forex accounts are viewed as the investments of high risk. The forex market can be volatile, and trading in leveraged markets carries the potential for substantial gains but also significant losses.

b. Selection of Account Manager: It's crucial to choose a reputable and experienced account manager. Without a basic understanding of the forex market, it can be challenging to identify a suitable manager. Investors should conduct thorough research, review the manager's track record, and consider factors such as their trading strategies and risk management practices.

c. Fraud Risk: As with any investment, there is a risk of fraud in the forex market. Investors should be cautious of scammers representing themselves as account managers and conduct due diligence before entrusting their funds to any individual or company.

Expenses Issues:

Managed forex accounts involve certain expenses that investors should consider:

a. Management Fees: Account managers typically charge management fees, which are a percentage of the earnings generated from trades. These fees can range from 20% to 30% of the trade's earnings.

b. Potential Higher Profits: Despite the fees, managed forex accounts can potentially yield higher profits compared to trading accounts of inexperienced traders. The expertise of professional account managers may offset the fees and increase the likelihood of making profits.

Managed forex accounts involve risks, and investors should exercise caution when selecting an account manager. Conducting thorough research, understanding the risks involved, and evaluating the fees and potential benefits are important steps in deciding whether to invest in a managed forex account.

How to Choose a Good Handled Forex Account? 

Here are the key factors to consider:

Total Fees: Aim to limit the total fees, including the manager's fees, trading costs, and fund fees, to no more than 2%. Higher fees can significantly impact your returns, so it's important to choose an account with reasonable fees.

Tax Efficiency: If you are investing in non-retirement accounts, it is crucial to consider the tax efficiency of the managed account. Actively managed accounts with frequent trading can result in higher transaction fees and tax bills. Look for an account that focuses on tax-efficient investments and utilises strategies such as "asset location" to optimise tax implications.

Investment Expertise: Evaluate the investment manager's expertise and track record. Look for managers who have experience and a proven ability to achieve the desired investment objectives. It's essential to assess their investment style and whether it aligns with your goals. Consider factors such as diversification, asset allocation, and the manager's approach to risk management.

Customisation: Some managed accounts offer more customisation options compared to others, such as the inclusion of different asset classes like REITs or commodities. Assess whether the account's investment strategy aligns with your specific investment preferences and goals.

Minimum Investment Requirements: Managed accounts often have minimum investment requirements. Ensure that the account's minimum fits within your budget and financial capabilities. Additionally, consider the liquidity and redemption terms associated with the account.

Transparency and Communication: Look for an account provider that offers transparency regarding their investment decisions and holdings. Regular communication and reporting should be provided to keep you informed about the account's performance and any changes made to the investment strategy.

Reputation and Security: Research the reputation and credibility of the firm offering the managed account. Consider factors such as the firm's history, regulatory compliance, and client reviews. Ensure that the account is held with a reputable custodian to safeguard your investments.

Remember, before making any investment decisions, it is recommended to consult with a qualified financial advisor who can assess your specific financial situation and provide personalised advice based on your needs and objectives.

Bottom Line and Key Takeaways

Managed Forex Accounts offer an avenue for investors to participate in leveraged forex trading without having to navigate the complexities of the market themselves. By entrusting their funds to professional money managers, investors can potentially capitalise on the expertise and experience of these traders. However, it is essential to carefully evaluate the risks and fees associated with managed forex accounts and consider them in the context of one's overall investment strategy.


Can individual investors participate in managed forex accounts?

Yes, individual investors can take advantage of managed forex accounts to gain exposure to the foreign exchange market and potentially benefit from professional trading expertise.

Are managed forex accounts high-risk investments?

Yes, managed forex accounts involve significant risks due to the volatile nature of the foreign exchange market. Investors must be prepared for potential losses alongside the prospect of substantial gains.

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