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Short-Term Investments: Overview and Examples

MMaboko Seabi
Maboko Seabi
12 minutes
Short-Term Investments: Overview and Examples

The strategic deployment of capital is a critical consideration for investors searching for both flexibility and returns. Short-term investments, characterised by their brief holding periods, offer a unique set of opportunities and challenges. This text on BROKSTOCK delves into the intricacies of short-term investing, studying the reasons driving investors towards this approach, its inherent advantages and disadvantages, and some examples of the best short-term investments. 

What Do Short-Term Investments Mean?

Short-term investments are financial instruments or assets that are acquired with the expectation of generating returns within a relatively short period of time, usually ranging from some days to a few years. Investors frequently engage in short-term investments to secure quick returns on their capital.

Reasons for Short-Term Investing

Short-term investing is driven by some main factors:

  • Economic Uncertainty: Given the economic uncertainties, investors frequently opt for short-term investments with high returns to avoid prolonged exposure to market volatility. This strategy enables them to protect their capital and respond promptly to economic fluctuations.
  • Cash Flow Management: Companies and individuals engage in short-term investments with high returns to effectively handle cash streams. These investments grant a balance between preserving capital and earning modest returns, providing ready access to funds when needed.

What Are Benefits of Short-Term Investing?

Short-term investing offers some benefits for individuals and businesses:

  • Quick Returns: One of the primary benefits is the potential for quick returns. Investors can capitalise on short-term market swings, taking advantage of favourable conditions to earn returns on their investments within a relatively short period of time.
  • Liquidity: Short-term investments grant high liquidity, which allows investors to quickly convert their assets into cash. This liquidity is crucial for those who can require immediate access to funds.
  • Flexibility: The dynamic nature of the economy needs flexibility in investment strategies. Short-term investments allow investors to quickly adapt to changing market conditions, adjusting their portfolios to optimise returns or mitigate risks.
  • Risk Mitigation: While no investment is entirely risk-free, short-term investments frequently carry lower risks in comparison with long-term commitments, which makes them the safest investments. This can be attractive for investors looking to preserve capital while still seeking modest returns.

What Are the Drawbacks of Short-Term Investing?

Also, short-term investing has several drawbacks:

  • Lower Returns: Despite the advantage of quick returns, short-term investments usually grant lower returns in comparison with long-term ones. Investors must carefully balance the desire for quick profits with the need for sustained, albeit possibly higher, returns over the long term.
  • Interest Rate Sensitivity: Short-term investments are frequently sensitive to changes in interest rates. Fluctuations in interest rates can impact the returns on money market instruments, affecting the general profitability of short-term investment portfolios.
  • Market Volatility: While short-term investments are destined to be more resilient to market fluctuation than long-term investments, they are not immune. Sudden economic or political changes can still influence short-term investment performance, requiring a vigilant approach from investors.
  • Inflation Impact: Inflation can ruin the buying power of returns from short-term investments. Investors are required to take into consideration inflation rates to accurately estimate the actual profitability of their short-term investment strategies.

Short-Term Investments Examples

Investors have access to different short-term investment options. Here are some of the best short-term investments:

High-Yield Savings Accounts

Call accounts, which are a type of high-yield savings account, offered by banks grant a short-term investment avenue with easy access to funds. These accounts typically suggest competitive interest rates and the flexibility to withdraw funds on short notice.

Certificates of Deposit (CDs)

Fixed-term deposits within banks are another popular type of short-term investments with high returns in South Africa. Investors commit a sum of money for a predetermined period, and in return, they receive fixed interest rates. This option provides stability and a known return at the end of the investment term.

Treasury Bills

Treasury bills are short-term government securities with maturities ranging from a few days to a year. These are considered low-risk investments, and the government uses them to raise short-term capital. Investors earn returns through the difference between the discounted purchase price and the face value at maturity.

Commercial Papers

Commercial papers issued by reputable corporations are short-term debt instruments. They represent promissory notes where the issuer agrees to repay the face value on a specified maturity date. Commercial papers provide a way for companies to raise short-term capital and offer investors a relatively low-risk investment option.

So, each option comes with its own set of features, and diversifying across different instruments may be a prudent strategy for managing risk and optimising returns in the financial market.

Tips for Short-Term Investing 

Tips for short term investing include:

Analysing the Market

Investors should carefully analyse market trends, economic indicators, and company performance when determining short-term trades. A thorough understanding of the local market conditions and potential catalysts is crucial for making informed decisions.


Diversifying short-term investments with high returns across different asset classes can help mitigate risks. This may involve spreading investments across various sectors, industries, and even geographic regions to reduce the impact of a downturn in a specific area of the market.


Utilising hedging strategies can be beneficial for short-term investors. Hedging against potential risks, such as currency fluctuations or market volatility, can help protect investment portfolios. Derivative instruments may be employed for effective hedging.

Exhausted Selling

Recognising the concept of exhausted selling is essential in the market. Investors should distinguish between temporary market downturns and more prolonged trends. Identifying instances where selling pressure may be exhausted can present buying opportunities for astute short-term investors.

Short-Term vs. Long Term Investments

Short-Term Investments

Advantages: Short-term investment plans for 3 months offer quick liquidity, flexibility, and the ability to capitalise on immediate market opportunities. They are suitable for investors who prefer a more active and adaptive approach to their portfolios.

Considerations: Investors should be mindful of the lower returns typically associated with short-term investments. Additionally, the impact of transaction costs on short-term trading strategies should be carefully evaluated.

Long-Term Investments

Advantages: Long-term investments provide the potential for higher returns over time. They are well-suited for investors with a more patient approach, seeking capital appreciation and the benefits of compounding.

Considerations: Long-term investments are subject to market fluctuations and economic cycles. Investors should be prepared for potential volatility and have a well-defined risk tolerance and financial plan for the extended investment horizon.

Balancing Short-Term and Long-Term Investments

A balanced investment strategy that combines short-term and long-term instruments can offer the advantages of both approaches. Investors may consider a diversified portfolio that aligns with their financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon.

Bottom Line and Key Takeaways

Short-term investments with high returns in South Africa play a crucial role in providing investors with a balanced approach to managing their financial portfolios. While short-term investing provides advantages such as quick returns, liquidity, risk mitigation, and flexibility, investors must carefully weigh these benefits against potential drawbacks like lower returns, interest rate sensitivity, market volatility, and the impact of inflation. Also, investors should align their short-term investment strategy with their financial goals and risk tolerance.

Maboko Seabi

Maboko holds a BTech in Metallurgical Engineering and has been in the financial market for over 6 years. He has experience in market analysis and systematic trading strategies.

Are short-term investment plans suitable for long-term financial goals?

Short-term investments are designed for quick returns. For long-term goals, long-term investment plans or a diversified portfolio including both short- and long-term investments is often recommended.

How does inflation impact the returns on short-term investments?

Inflation can erode the purchasing power of returns from short-term investments. It's essential to consider the inflation rate when assessing the overall profitability of these investments.

What are the tax implications of short-term investments with high returns in South Africa?

Tax implications vary based on the type of investment. Consultation with a tax professional is advisable to understand the specific tax considerations for your short-term investments.

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